Join our STRAVA club

  • Strava is a must have for today's endurance athlete
  • It is the social media outlet for tracking endurance sports training and racing
  • Join our club and find like minded athletes to follow
  • It serves as another outlet to learn about upcoming events, product and promotions
  • Learn more in our post about optimizing your Strava usage

Pat's Note - I joined Strava before any other online training platform and still enjoy using it today.  It's an easy extension of my current social media outlets.  You can find friends and even pro athletes to follow. I love to explore new routes and rides in areas I've never been. Don't forget to spread those "kudos" to other peoples adventures worthy of recognition.

Even though Strava tracks and compares your rides, don't forget to stop and enjoy the scenery!

Even though Strava tracks and compares your rides, don't forget to stop and enjoy the scenery!